Booking Live Music & DJs Made Easy

Our Intelligent Platform...
Matches your venue to suitable artists, making it easier than ever to book gigs
We make sure venues get all the benefits of hosting live music and DJs, without any of the hassle. From event planning to promotion; we provide all the tools and help you need, saving you time and money.
Live music gives your customers a unique experience.
Enhances the ambience, engages and delights. Gives your venue a clear point of difference in a competitive environment and increases customer service perceptions and satisfaction overall.
Benefits for customers
Say that the right song has the power to change their mood or make their day
Would recommend a bar or restaurant with live music to their friends
Have a better experience when music is performed live
Benefits for businesses
Of customers more likely to return if there is live music
Of customers will stay longer if there is live music
Spend more money on food and drinks if there is live music
Our service is free for venues!
How to pay the artist fees...
Pay the artist cash
directly on the night
directly on the night
We pay the artist on your behalf
and send you an invoice
and send you an invoice